Chemical peel is a facial rejuvenation technique that aims at reducing or eliminating the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, acne scarring, and uneven pigmentation to achieve a more smooth and youthful skin. At Divine Proportions we offer light, medium, deep and acne chemical peels to address all your needs.

A chemical peel typically involves application of an acid solution is to remove the damaged outer layers of the skin.

  • In a chemical peel procedure, your skin is cleansed and a chemical peel solution is applied. After a prescribed amount of time it is washed off with water and an ointment is applied.
  • A light chemical peel uses alpha hydroxy acids (AHA) while a medium peel uses trichloroacetic acid (TCA) and in a deep peel phenol is used.

Before / After Images for Chemical Peels

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Frequently Asked questions

What is a chemical peel?

Chemical peel is a facial rejuvenation technique that uses alpha hydroxy acids (AHA) or trichloroacetic acid (TCA) or phenol to slough off the top layer of the skin in order to reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars and uneven pigmentation.

How long do I have to be in the hospital?

You can return home immediately after the procedure.

Does the procedure hurt?

You will feel a tingling sensation when the chemical peel is applied.

What results can I expect?

Your skin will be smoother with fewer lines and wrinkles.

What are the expected risks?

Risks of chemical peels include scarring, infection, swelling, changes in skin tone, and cold sore outbreaks.

How much does the procedure cost?

You doctor will be able to give you an estimate after examining your skin and based on the peel you would require.