A depressed bridge of the nose, hump on the bridge of the nose, wide bridge, wide nasal tip, boxy or bulbous nasal tip, crooked nose, large or wide nostrils, high or flared nostrils are some of the reasons why people seek Rhinoplasty.

Rhinoplasty or nasal reshaping is a cosmetic surgical procedure designed to correct problems of the nose caused due to genetics or trauma, and can fix many aesthetic problems as well.  Depending on the desired result, rhinoplasty can help in refining your nose or change the overall size and shape of your nose dramatically.

Rhinoplasty should not be performed during growing years unless there is severe disfigurement due to birth defects or accidents. Good post operative care will ensure good rhinoplasty results. Final results of rhinoplasty will be visible within six to twelve months after your surgery.

  • Rhinoplasty is typically performed under general anesthesia and the patient may go home the same day. 
  • Procedure involves separating the skin of the nose from the bone and cartilage. The bone and cartilage are sculpted and re-shaped and the skin is re-draped on the sculpted framework.
  • The actual procedure may take between an hour to three hours based on the complexity of the specific problem.
  • Rhinoplasty procedure can either be open or closed. In the “open technique” or “open rhinoplasty method” an incision is made across the columella; the strip of tissue that separates the nostrils, this method is usually used in complex cases. In the “closed technique” or “closed rhinoplasty method” incisions are made inside the nostrils.
  • Once rhinoplasty is complete, a splint is placed on the nose and nasal packs are placed inside the nostrils to control bleeding and stabilize the interior structure of the nose.

Before / After Images for Rhinoplasty

Frequently Asked questions

How is rhinoplasty performed?

Rhinoplasty is typically performed under general anesthesia; the procedure involves separating the skin of the nose from the bone and cartilage. The bone and cartilage are sculpted and re-shaped and the skin is re-draped on the sculpted framework.

How long do I have to be in the hospital?

You may go home the same day of the surgery.

When can I get back to work after the surgery?

If you have a desk job, you can get back to work within1 week after your surgery. If your job involves activities such as lifting, climbing, etc you will need to be on limited duty for three weeks to a month.

When will the result of the surgery be visible?

Swelling will become negligible within 3-6 months and final results of your rhinoplasty will be visible within six to twelve months after your surgery.

When can I resume my exercise routine after the surgery?

You may resume your exercise routine in 6 weeks time however ensure that you ramp up your routine gradually.

Will I have scars due to the surgery?

When closed rhinoplasty is performed the scars will be on the inside of the nose; these scars won’t be visible, but you may be able to feel them for a while after surgery.  When open technique is used you may have a small scar on the underside of the nose.

What are the expected risks?

As with any surgical procedure there may be a risk of bleeding and infection. Risks of rhinoplasty in particular could be Red spots on your skin’s surface caused when tiny blood vessels burst. These spots are usually temporary. You might also have slight scarring depending on the technique used in rhinoplasty. And in around ten percent of cases, the patient might require an additional minor surgery to correct a slight deformity.

How much does rhinoplasty cost?

You surgeon will be able to give you an estimate after examining your general health, your specific requirement and also the desired result.

At what age can rhinoplasty be done?

Rhinoplasty for purely cosmetic reasons should not be performed during growing years; ideally it is better to wait till late teens to undergo rhinoplasty. However in case of severe disfigurement due to accidents or birth defects, surgery is performed to help restore the deformity of the growth centers.

What post-operative care should I take?

Ensure you sleep with your head elevated for up to a week. Avoid strenuous activities such as weight lifting, running, swimming etc for at least a month and in general ensure that no pressure is applied on the nose.