Umbilicoplasty is a good option for people having badly shaped navel naturally formed at birth or have an umbilical hernia. It is a minor cosmetic surgery procedure that involves correcting the navel’s position, shape or size.

It is done usually for aesthetic purposes such as to create a vertical direction belly button or make a rounder or T shaped naval. Naval reshaping can also be done to enhance a tummy tuck or abdominal liposuction, to repair a belly button changed due to surgery, pregnancy, injury, ageing or weight loss and to reposition the belly button.

  • Umbilicoplasty is generally performed under local anesthesia but a sedative may also be given and it is completed within an hour.
  • To change the position of the belly button, the skin around it is removed and it is repositioned.
  • To alter the shape of the belly button; small incisions are made in and around it and then it is re-shaped.

Before / After Images for Umbilicoplasty (Naval Reshaping)

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Frequently Asked questions

What is the procedure for Umbilicoplasty?

Umbilicoplasty is performed under local anesthesia. To change the position of the belly button, the skin around it is removed and navel is repositioned. To alter the shape of the belly button small incisions are made in and around it and then it is re-shaped.

What are the risks associated the surgery?

As with all surgery, there is a possibility of bleeding and infection.

What is the recovery time for Umbilicoplasty?

These surgeries are usually performed on an outpatient basis therefore you can return home on the same day.  And the recovery period is usually 1 day.

What kind of anesthesia is used in Umbilicoplasty?

In Umbilicoplasty surgery a local anesthetic with a sedative is used.

When can I return to work after the surgery?

Most patients return to work the next day after the surgery.