Laser acne treatments can help you get rid of both young and adult acne. An embarrassing skin condition; acne and the resulting scars could affect your self esteem. Re-discover pimple-free, clear complexion with laser treatments with IPL, US FDA Approved, Q Switched Nd YAG systems at Divine Proportions.

  • Laser therapy involves pulsing a laser beam on the skin which fragments the scars while, killing the bacteria causing acne, shrinking the sebaceous glands producing too much oil and tightening the skin.

Before / After Images for Acne Treatment

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Frequently Asked questions

How is laser treatment performed?

Laser therapy for acne treatment involves pulsing laser beams on the skin. The lasers penetrate the skin and fragment the scar, kill acne causing bacteria and shrink the oil glands.

How long do I have to be in the hospital?

You can return home immediately after the procedure.

Does the procedure hurt?

You will feel a small sting like sensation similar to rubber band snap when lasers are pulsed on the skin.

What results can I expect?

Your acne will be reduced and the scars will be lighter or will disappear all together.

Will I have scars?

You might notice darker skin following treatment, but it will generally return to normal within a few days.

What are the expected risks?

You may experience redness, scabs and mild swelling after the treatment.

How much does the procedure cost?

You doctor will be able to give you an estimate after examining your skin and the extent of the acne and scarring.