With age skin on the brows and forehead loses its elasticity leading to tired looking eyes or heavy looking upper lids. These issues could be easily addressed with a forehead or eyebrow lift.
A brow lift is aimed at smoothing the forehead, reducing frown lines, and elevating the position of the eyebrow line and removing excess forehead skin to achieve a younger, more refreshed look. There are two techniques for a brow lift – Open brow lift and an endoscopic brow lift, our surgeons at Divine Proportions will suggest the most appropriate technique for your specific case after a thorough examination.

  • Brow lift typically requires the administration of a general aesthetic and is an outpatient procedure. Actual procedure can last between 30 minutes to 2 hours.
  • An appropriate technique is selected based on the position of the eyebrows, amount of excess upper eyelid skin and the height of the hairline, in general the procedure involves making incision across the top of the scalp just above the hairline. Through these incisions, the muscles that cause frown lines are modified and any excess skin or tissues are removed and then the eyebrows are lifted to a more youthful level.
  • A less invasive method of brow lift is done through endoscopy where an endoscope is inserted through several tiny incisions in the scalp and the muscles and tissues are altered and the brows are then repositioned.

Before / After Images for Eyebrow Lift

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Frequently Asked questions

How is a brow lift performed?

In a traditional brow lift incisions are made across the top of the scalp just above the hairline. Through this incision, the muscles that cause frown lines are modified and any excess skin or tissues are removed and then the eyebrows are lifted. In an endoscopy brow lift an endoscope is inserted through several tiny incisions in the scalp and the muscles and tissues are altered and the brows are then repositioned.

How long do I have to be in the hospital?

You may go home the same day of the surgery.

When can I get back to work after the surgery?

You can get back to work within 7 to 10 days after your surgery.

When will the result of the surgery be visible?

You will notice a marked difference by the 3rd week after surgery and by a month after the surgery you will be able to see the final result.

When can I resume my exercise routine after the surgery?

You may resume your normal exercise routine by the end of 3 weeks however strenuous sport activity should be avoided till after 6 weeks.

Will I have scars due to the surgery?

The position of the incision is usually across the top of the scalp just above the hairline where your hair will cover them, therefore scars, if any would not be visible.

What are the expected risks?

As with any surgical procedure there might be a risk of bleeding and infection. However complications from a brow lift are rare. Sometimes there might be a prolonged numbness and itching following surgery. Very rarely there might be temporary hair loss at the incision sites.

How much does a brow lift cost?

You surgeon will be able to give you an estimate after examining your general health, your specific requirement and also the desired result.

What is a brow lift?

A brow lift is a surgical procedure that helps in smoothing the forehead, reducing frown lines, and elevating the position of the eyebrow line and removing excess forehead skin to achieve a younger, more refreshed look.

What post-operative care should I take?

Sleep with your head elevated for at least 2 weeks after the surgery and do not sleep with your face down. Ensure that the suture line or surgical clips are cleaned 2-3 times daily and an antibiotic ointment is applied after cleaning. Avoid exercise or strenuous activities for 3 weeks. Avoid excessive exposure to sun for the first 3 weeks. Avoid using hair driers or undergoing any hair treatments such as coloring for about 4 weeks after surgery.