Breast augmentation surgery can be a means to increase the size of small breasts to make you feel more feminine. A Breast augmentation or breast enlargement is a surgical procedure designed to increase the size of the breasts. To enhance the breast size, breast implants are placed either directly behind or in front of the chest wall muscle.

  • A Breast augmentation or breast enlargement surgery is typically an outpatient procedure performed under general anesthetic.
  • An incision is made either underneath the breast, just above the crease, around the lower edge of the areola or within the armpit then a pocket is created behind the breast tissue or underneath the pectoral muscle and an implant is inserted.
  • Based on the desired result, patient’s body frame, mass, breast tissue either a silicone filled implant or saline breast implant can be selected.

Before / After Images for Breast enhancement

Frequently Asked questions

How is a breast enhancement surgery performed?

A breast enlargement surgery is an outpatient procedure performed under general anesthetic with sedation. The cosmetic surgery procedure involves making an incision either underneath the breast, just above the crease, around the lower edge of the areola or within the armpit and inserting an implant in a pocket is created behind the breast tissue or underneath the pectoral muscle.

How long do I have to be in the hospital?

You may go home the same day of the surgery.

When can I get back to work after the surgery?

You can get back to work within 7 days after your surgery.

When will the result of the surgery be visible?

You will notice a change immediately after the surgery, however all swelling and bruising will disappear in a month’s time and you will be able to see the final result.

When can I resume my exercise routine after the surgery?

You may resume your normal exercise routine within a month after the surgery however heavy weights should not be lifted till after 6 weeks.

Will I have scars due to the surgery?

The position of the incision is within a crease which minimizes scar visibility.

What are the expected risks?

As with any surgical procedure there might be a risk of bleeding and infection. In rare cases there might be changes in nipple or breast sensation.

How much does breast augmentation cost?

You surgeon will be able to give you an estimate after examining your general health, your specific requirement and also the desired result

What post-operative care should I take?

Rest of 1-2 days is recommended. Do not raise arms above shoulder level and avoid sleeping on the belly. Sleep with your head elevated for at least 2 weeks after the surgery and do not sleep on your belly. Ensure that the suture line is clean and dry. Avoid exercise or strenuous activities for 3 to 4 weeks.

What kind of implant is best for me?

After evaluating your case, your surgeon may recommend either a Saline breast implant which is filled with sterile salt water or a Silicone filled breast implant which is filled with a soft, elastic gel.