Your chin projects your confidence and your cheeks reflect good health. However many people have weak chin contours that may prevent them from appearing confident and have sunken cheeks making them appear tired. In such a cases, a cheek and chin enhancement surgery could be a good option for you.

Chin enhancement or Mentoplasty is a surgical procedure aimed at improving the contour of the chin while cheek enhancement aims at emphasizing the cheeks using implants or fat grafting. Cheek augmentation is usually combined with chin augmentation to address issues such as sunken cheeks, weak or receding chin, and lack of facial contour, malformations of the chin due to birth defects or injury

  • Cheek enhancement procedure is conducted under general anesthesia and lasts between 1 to 2 hours.
  • It involves making an incision in the upper mouth near the top of the gum line then placing an implant. Other options for cheek enhancement are injections of fat.
  • Chin surgery can be done using chin implants, sliding genioplasty or through fat grafting.
  • The procedure requires an incision in the mouth or under a chin skin crease where either a small implant is placed or the bone is cut and its position is shifted forward.

Before / After Images for Cheeks / Chin Enhancement

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Frequently Asked questions

What is the procedure for a cheek enhancement?

Cheek involves making an incision in the upper mouth near the top of the gum line or near the eye and then placing an implant. Other options for cheek enhancement are fat injections.

What is the procedure for a chin enhancement?

Chin surgery can be done using chin implants, sliding genioplasty or through fat grafting.  The procedure requires an incision in the mouth or under a chin skin crease where either a small implant is placed or the bone is cut and its position is shifted forward.

What are the risks associated with cheek/chin surgery?

As with all surgery, there is a possibility of bleeding, scarring and infection exists. The implant may shift, requiring a second surgery to correct.

What is the recovery time for a chin/cheek enhancement?

These surgeries are usually performed on an outpatient basis therefore you can return home on the same day.  And the recovery period is usually 1-2 weeks.

What are chin/cheek implants made of?

Solid flexible silicone and Gore-tex are commonly used in plants as they are biocompatible.

Which implant is good for me?

Your surgeon will suggest the most appropriate implant after evaluating your case.

What kind of anesthesia for cheek/chin enhancement surgery used?

For cheek and chin enhancement surgery a general anesthetic is used.

How long does a chin/cheek surgery last?

The surgery will take approximately 1 – 2 hours.

When can I return to work after the surgery?

Most patients return to work in 2-7 days.