Women suffering backaches, neck strains and physical restrictions due to an oversized bust benefit a lot from Breast reduction surgery or reduction mammaplasty.

Breast reduction surgery is a cosmetic surgery procedure that involves removal of excess breast tissue and resizing and reshaping the breasts. This surgery is often combined with a liposuction of the side chest rolls and breast for a better end result.

Reduction mammaplasty can be done using various techniques such as Anchor Pattern Breast Reduction, Vertical Incision Breast Reduction Surgery, Scar less Breast Reduction Surgery, and Breast Reduction through Liposuction. Our surgeons at Divine Proportions can help you choose the procedure best suited to give you the results you want.

  • Reduction mammaplasty is almost always performed under general anesthesia and takes about 2-4 hours.
  • The procedure involves making an incision from the top of the nipple to the crease of the breast. Excess fat, skin, and tissue are then removed and the remaining skin as well as the areola is repositioned.

Before / After Images for Breast Reduction

Frequently Asked questions

How is a breast reduction surgery performed?

A breast reduction surgery involves making an incision from the top of the nipple to the crease of the breast. Excess fat, skin, and tissue are then removed and the remaining skin as well as the areola is repositioned.

What is the best technique for me?

There are several techniques of  breast reduction such as  Anchor Pattern Breast Reduction, Vertical Incision Breast Reduction Surgery , Scar less” Breast Reduction Surgery ,Breast Reduction through Liposuction; after evaluating your specific case, your surgeon will be able to recommend the most suitable surgery procedure.

When can I get back to work after the surgery?

You can get back to work within 10 to 14 days after your surgery.

When will the result of the surgery be visible?

You will notice a change immediately after the surgery, however all swelling and bruising will take time to disappear and you will be able to see the final result within 6 months.

When can I resume my exercise routine after the surgery?

You may resume your normal exercise routine 6 weeks after surgery.

Will I have scars due to the surgery?

Yes, these are present around the areola and in the lower portion of the breast; however there is no marked visibility.

What are the expected risks?

As with all surgery, breast reduction surgery does have some risks such as infection, adverse reaction to anesthesia, altered nipple and breast sensation, asymmetry, and scarring and in rare cases inability to breastfeed.

How much does a breast reduction cost?

You surgeon will be able to give you an estimate after examining your general health, your specific requirement and also the desired result.

What post-operative care should I take?

Sleep on your back and avoid strenuous physical activities for at least 6 weeks. Ensure that you always wear a surgical bra till your surgeon advises you otherwise.  Ensure that the suture line is clean and dry and avoid applying creams on the suture line.

Are the results permanent?

Yes, results are permanent however weight gain, pregnancy, hormone therapy may increase breast size due to a natural increase in breast tissue.