This treatment procedure is done to remove unwanted hair in the body. Common areas include upper lips, chin, armpits, upper lips, legs and other parts of the body. Generally, this procedure can be done nearly in any area except for the eyelid or surrounding area.


To remove unwanted hair from the body, laser hair removal is a medical procedure that uses a concentrated beam of light (laser). This highly concentrated beam of light is absorbed by a pigment melanin. Melanin is a pigment that is responsible for tanning of skin when exposed to sunlight.

This light energy is converted to heat which further helps damage the hair follicles (tube shaped sacs from which hair grows). This damage further helps prevent hair growth or delays it.


This treatment has few side effects that vary with hair color, skin type and the treatment plan which may be pre-treatment plan or post-treatment plan. Most common side effects are skin irritation such as temporary swelling, discomfort and redness. Any symptoms or signs disappear within several hours of treatment.

Laser hair removal may lighten or darken the skin on a temporary basis, for few days post treatment. Most of the time skin lightening primarily affects those who expose the treated area to sunlight post treatment.


The treatment process doesn’t happen in one sitting. It usually requires two to six weeks of series of treatment. The interval between every session is determined by the area treated.
For example, on few areas hair grows quickly such as upper lip in this case the treatment may be repeated in four to eight weeks depending on the hair growth. Areas having slow hair growth such as the back, the treatment may be every 12 to 16 weeks.


Temporary redness and swelling may be noticed after few hours of treatment. Applying ice to the treated area will reduce the irritation.
Taking treatment repeatedly is necessary because hair growth and loss occur in a cycle, also laser treatment is the best one to work with hair follicles in a new growth stage.


Treated areas should not be exposed to sunlight for a better recovery. The treated area is very sensitive therefore, the area should not be rubbed excessively which may lead to scarring. Do not bleach, wax or tweeze the treated area as it becomes very delicate post treatment which means utmost care should be taken.


Cost varies from case to case, and depends on the area that is being treated. It is suggested to take a personal consultation with the doctor for the exact price.