Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery procedure that aims at removing localized fat.
Liposuction, luposculpturing, lipoplasty, suction assisted lipectomy, refer to a surgical procedure designed to remove fat from various parts of the body such as the abdomen, hips, thighs, flanks, back, inner knees, upper arms, submental area and breasts with the help of suction methods such as Wet liposuction, Super-wet liposuction, Tumescent liposuction.

At Divine Proportions, our well qualified surgeons can help you to identify the best liposuction technique to help you achieve the look you are aiming for.

A healthy diet and a regular exercise regime is part of your daily routine, however if you still have 5-7 kgs of localized fat that does not seem to go away, liposuction could be an option for you.
Liposuction, luposculpturing, lipoplasty, suction assisted lipectomy, all these names describe a surgical procedure designed to remove fat from various parts of the body such as the abdomen, hips, thighs, flanks, back, inner knees, upper arms, submental area and breasts.

There are several techniques of liposuction such as Wet liposuction, Super-wet liposuction, Tumescent liposuction etc. At Divine Proportions, our well qualified surgeons can help you to identify the procedure best suited to achieve the look you are aiming for.

  • Liposuction procedure involves injecting a solution containing a local anesthetic and adrenalin. then the loosened fat cells are suctioned with an aspirator connected to a cannula and removed through negative suction.
  • There are several techniques of liposuction that are based on the fluid injected; Wet liposuction, Super-wet liposuction, Tumescent liposuction

Before / After Images for Liposuction / Liposculpturing

Frequently Asked questions

How is Liposuction performed?

Liposuction is performed under regional or general anesthesia; the procedure involves removing excess fat deposits located between the muscle and skin, with help of an aspirator and a cannula.

How long do I have to be in the hospital?

You may go home the same day of the surgery.

When can I get back to work after the surgery?

Based on the type and extent of the procedure, you can return to desk type work within 2 days to 2 weeks from the surgery.

When will the result of the surgery be visible?

Results of liposuction are visible almost immediately however the final result may be visible only after a month after all the swelling has reduced.

Will I have scars due to the surgery?

Scars should not be problem as cannulas used are very small.

What are the expected risks?

There may be a risk of bleeding and infection.
Risks of skin ulcerations and nerve injury are very rare.
Pulmonary (blood clots in the lungs) and fat embolism are the other significant but rare complications.

How much does liposuction cost?

You surgeon will be able to give you an estimate after examining your general health, your specific requirement and also the desired result.

At what age can liposuction be done?

Patient should be above 18 years.

What areas of the body can be treated by liposuction?

Abdomen, hips, thighs, flanks, back, inner knees, upper arms, submental area and breasts can be treated by liposuction.

Are the results of liposuction permanent?

Yes. Fat cells removed by liposuction will not come back, however if a good exercise and diet regime are not followed the existing fat cells will enlarge and cause irregularity in skin appearance.